Första timmen:
Krallice - Aspherance
Venom Prison- Slayer of Holofernes
Molde Volhal - Through Everlasting Halls (Triumphant Return to The Keep of Moldé Volhal)
Painkiller - Tortured Souls
Meathook Seed - Famine Sector
Obsequiae - Against All Feudal Lords
Vråk - Job 3:3
Wormwood - Av lie och börda
Extinction - Electile Dysfunction (Judiciary Desiccation)
Panopticon - Flag Burner Torch Bearer
Andra timmen:
Bismarck - Hara
Malsten - Immolation
Nihilosaur - Reality Hangover
Son of Boar - Stoned Wail
Sundowner - The Racist
Hellish Form - House With A Thousand Doors